- 状态:完结
- 类型:犯罪/历史在线观看
- 主演:迈克尔·基臣,汉妮萨科·维克斯,安东尼·豪威尔,朱利安·欧文登
- 年代:2008 / 英国 / 外语
- 导演:西蒙·兰顿,崔斯坦姆·鲍威尔
- 国家/地区:英国
- 集数:3 | 每集93分钟
- 语言/字幕:英语
- 年代:2008
- 更新时间:2022-07-19 17:12
- 影视/评论:当前有0条评论,
- 简介:"Plan of Attack" Milner and.."Plan of Attack" Milner and DCS Meredith (Foyle"s replacement) have arrested a racketeer, but this has to take a back-seat when a highly-strung map-maker is found hanged in local woods, after confiding in a local Catholic priest (a German, but apparently anti-Nazi). It looks like suicide but Milner is not so sure. Threatened by the racketeer, Milner is the subject of an attempted assassination, which instead leaves Meredith dead. Foyle is reluctantly called back from retirement to solve both the cases, which he successfully does, and decides to stay in police work until the end of the war. "Broken Souls" Foyle meets Josef Novak for a chess game. Novak is a Polish-Jewish psychiatrist at a nearby military mental-health institution where Dr Worth is found murdered. Foyle is called in, having to delegate the finding of a missing East End boy (formerly a child-evacuee in the Hastings area) to Sam. Meanwhile Fred Dawson, a crippled former POW, arrives back at his farm to find his wife and child being helped in the farm work by Johann, a German POW. Suspecting his wife Rose of an affair with Johann and resenting his easy manner with Fred and Rose"s son, the couple argue, and Johann is later found dead after escaping the camp. "All Clear" With VE Day upon them, Foyle is asked to represent the police on the councils" celebration committee. There he meets up with old friend, Major John Kieffer, who is representing the American forces. When a committee member is killed, however, the celebrations take a back seat, as Foyle sets out to uncover the murderer. Along the way he must delve into secrets that the Allied forces wish to keep hidden. 详情
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肖恩·埃文斯,汤姆·哈迪,夏洛特·莱利,Kierston Wareing,Margot Leicester,布莱恩·考克斯,Jane Wood,Steve Nicolson,约翰·阿什顿,Megan Jossa,Annette Kelly,莎拉·斯图尔特,Obi Abili,Macdara Joyce,雷内·扎格,Sammy Williams,Jenny Kavanagh,Sam Vincenti
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"Plan of Attack" Milner and DCS Meredith (Foyle"s replacement) have arrested a racketeer, but this has to take a back-seat when a highly-strung map-maker is found hanged in local woods, after confiding in a local Catholic priest (a German, but apparently anti-Nazi). It looks like suicide but Milner is not so sure. Threatened by the racketeer, Milner is the subject of an attempted assassination, which instead leaves Meredith dead. Foyle is reluctantly called back from retirement to solve both the cases, which he successfully does, and decides to stay in police work until the end of the war. "Broken Souls" Foyle meets Josef Novak for a chess game. Novak is a Polish-Jewish psychiatrist at a nearby military mental-health institution where Dr Worth is found murdered. Foyle is called in, having to delegate the finding of a missing East End boy (formerly a child-evacuee in the Hastings area) to Sam. Meanwhile Fred Dawson, a crippled former POW, arrives back at his farm to find his wife and child being helped in the farm work by Johann, a German POW. Suspecting his wife Rose of an affair with Johann and resenting his easy manner with Fred and Rose"s son, the couple argue, and Johann is later found dead after escaping the camp. "All Clear" With VE Day upon them, Foyle is asked to represent the police on the councils" celebration committee. There he meets up with old friend, Major John Kieffer, who is representing the American forces. When a committee member is killed, however, the celebrations take a back seat, as Foyle sets out to uncover the murderer. Along the way he must delve into secrets that the Allied forces wish to keep hidden.
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16 有用 shu 看过 2022-09-21
ITV 罪案 历史 剧情 电视剧战地神探第五季共3集时长: 93分钟Foyles War Season 5,弗伊尔的战争 第五季的编剧是: 安东尼·赫洛维兹,迈克尔.查普林。